Revolutionary Unity New Mission Statement

Posted: February 4, 2012 by flsocialist in Our Mission

Things are moving at Revolutionary Unity. We have updated our mission statement and are working on our Points of Unity. We’ve got a new Facebook Group and will soon be on Google +. So please pardon us as we catch things up, and get them posted here. In the mean time:

The Revolutionary Unity Mission Statement (adopted 1 Feb 2012)

Revolutionary Unity calls upon our working and oppressed sisters and brothers to unite for a new chapter in the historic struggles for liberation from capitalism, patriarchy and bigotry. We are united in the belief that our future depends on the social ownership of the means of production under worker and community control. We envision communities characterized by equality, social empowerment, and the drive to satisfy all human needs in harmony with the earth. Such a fundamental transfer of power requires a revolutionary moment in which working and oppressed people take responsibility for constructing a new society independently of their former masters. We believe that reaching and passing through this historic period will require organizations and mass movements capable of coordinated action. We draw strength from our diversity and all revolutionary political traditions, but apply a critical eye to the past as we build our own future.

Join us! We have a world to win!

  1. satguronthn says:

    peope’s revolution in progress

  2. […] Mission Statement by Revolutionary Unity Revolutionary Unity calls upon our working and oppressed sisters and brothers to unite for a new […]

  3. Bob Goupillot says:

    Hi Comrades

    I hope Matt got my response to his comments on our ‘What we stand for’ statement. I would like to comment on your ‘Points of unity’ when this is in a suitable form. Please let me know when this is available.

    Best regards,

    Bob RCN (scotland)

  4. Yolanda Anderson-de Monk says:

    I thank the RUG for their mission statement and would like to partake in any endeavours the group plan to do.The change must start with me and it did.We need to mobilise the working class,marginalised and persons that have been exploited by the capitalist.

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